The Bulgarian Association in the Atomic Industry (BAAI) was established on May 9, 2019 as an independent non-governmental organization, whose main goal is to unite the efforts and resources of the organizations from the atomic industry in Bulgaria.

The main activity of BAAI is to develop business contacts and create consortiums, joint ventures and other business structures with specialized companies and organizations working in the atomic and energy industries in Bulgaria and abroad for the implementation of projects and installations in the indicated areas and the ones related to them in Bulgarian and the world.


The main goals of BAAI are to unite the efforts and resources of the organizations of Bulgaria in order to execute projects and installations in Bulgaria and abroad. We aim to assist its members in the creation of mutual finished products which could be implemented in the industry.


Creation of regional welding qualification center and an independent regional agency for construction control and qualicty assurance. Their creation is especially necessary in view of the current and upcoming projects of ROSATOM State Corporation in Southeastern Europe and Turkey.


On May 11, 2020, by a decision of the General Assembly, BAAI established an Expert Council of established specialists in various fields of energy, whose main tasks are related to technical and economic consultations, written expert opinions on technical purchases, research and selection of appropriate organizations in the sector.


Completed Delivery of Equipment for Scanning Large Areas for Rosatom with the help of Technotecs

At the request of ROSATOM, CS Digital Solutions organizes the delivery of a specialized macro scanning scanner for large industrial areas. The delivery was completed with the help of Technotecs, Russia, which became a full member of the BAAI. The BAAI believes that such supplies can be made to other organizations in Russia.

Construction of a Wind Farm in the Town of Pernik

The BAAI intends to attract the company Megastroy 2014 Ltd. for the construction works during the erection of a 300 MW wind farm in Pernik.

Тhe Industrial Development Fund of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Chuvashia Proposes New Opportunities

The Fund acts as a development institution, one of the main activities of which is the maintenance of industrial and investment policy in the Chuvash Republic, as well as the initiation, support and implementation of new investment projects. The IT cluster, the production of furniture and doors, the processing of waste and the production of construction materials are developing. Traditionally strong are the agro-industrial complex and the food production. Due to the presence of a developed industrial, scientific and technical complex, the Chuvash Republic has qualified staff.

Tender for Supply of Electric Motors at Kozloduy NPP

The BAAI organizes contacts with its permanent member Energoimport Export Ltd. and the Ural Machine-Building Plant to participate in a tender for the supply of electric motors at Kozloduy NPP. BAAI considers this contact as a promising, permanent contract for the...

Factory for Production of Photovoltaic Panels

Solari Ltd. together with the Spanish National Association of Capital Goods Manufacturers (SERCOBE) and the African Association of Power Engineers are working on a project for the supply and commissioning of a plant for the production of photovoltaic panels in Africa.

Development of Software for Monitoring of Dam Walls

The BAAI supports and assists CS Digital Solutions Ltd. in contacts with the Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg to develop software for monitoring dam walls during their operation and to determine the critical regimes that lead to accidents.

Construction and Repair program of LUKOIL

By order of BAAI, Technotecs, Russia is preparing an agreement for maximum participation of BAAI’s members in the construction and repair program of LUKOIL for this year.

Participation in the Tender Procedure for Construction of a Plant for Energy Utilization of Domestic Solid Waste in Sofia

The BAAI organizes the participation of Start Engineering, Ranteco and Geostroy- Bulgaria, which intends to establish a consortium to participate in the tender procedure for the construction of a plant for the energy utilization of RDF in Sofia. BAAI undertakes to...

Participation in Tender Procedures for Delivery of Hoists to the NPP

The BAAI and the Russian Association ASCAO have agreed on the participation of Balkansko Echo EOOD in tender procedures for the supply of hoists for the Bangladesh NPP.

Delivery of Glass for Photovoltaic Panels

Solari Ltd. together with the Spanish National Association of Capital Goods Manufacturers (SERCOBE) is preparing an offer for the supply of glass for photovoltaic panels to Turkey.