The Bulgarian Association in the Atomic Industry (BAAI) was established on May 9, 2019 as an independent non-governmental organization, whose main goal is to unite the efforts and resources of the organizations from the atomic industry in Bulgaria.
The main activity of BAAI is to develop business contacts and create consortiums, joint ventures and other business structures with specialized companies and organizations working in the atomic and energy industries in Bulgaria and abroad for the implementation of projects and installations in the indicated areas and the ones related to them in Bulgarian and the world.

The main goals of BAAI are to unite the efforts and resources of the organizations of Bulgaria in order to execute projects and installations in Bulgaria and abroad. We aim to assist its members in the creation of mutual finished products which could be implemented in the industry.

Creation of regional welding qualification center and an independent regional agency for construction control and qualicty assurance. Their creation is especially necessary in view of the current and upcoming projects of ROSATOM State Corporation in Southeastern Europe and Turkey.

On May 11, 2020, by a decision of the General Assembly, BAAI established an Expert Council of established specialists in various fields of energy, whose main tasks are related to technical and economic consultations, written expert opinions on technical purchases, research and selection of appropriate organizations in the sector.